Saturday, February 25, 2006

Starlets in the Sky: A Teen Singer's Weblog Entry

First of all, let me just say that I am an artist. No matter what anybody says, I know that I can create more beauty in a single notebook full of lyrics than they can in their whole pathetic lives. They judge me, and tell me I’m untalented, but that’s just because they don’t have any talent. Naomi wouldn’t even know what talent was if it bit her right on her untalented ass. Nobody realizes that it hurts me when they say those really terrible things about me. Even though I’m really talented at music and I’m famous and really well liked, I’m still a person, and I have feelings.

Second of all, I am either going to the Halloween party as: A.) sexy devil; B.) Cher; or C.) sexy kitty. Personally, I’d like to go as the sexy devil but I don’t think daddy’s going to let me. When I told him about my plans he wasn’t happy. He said it might project a negative image, and that the costume showed too much skin, and that I should show some skin but just not in that area. He told me I can only expose skin in the area around the midriff, not the upper thighs. Daddy has done a lot of research on the subject and he says that since most of my fans are teens, and most of my albums are purchased for them by their parents, projecting an image of sluttyness would alienate a lot of the parents and my record sales would go down. He said I should go as Cher and then Ferras could go as Sonny Bono and that would be more camera-friendly. He said that he didn’t doubt for a second that it would get our pictures at least in Celebrity Star, if not on the cover of Teen Beat, or Fresh Squad. Even though that doesn't really matter now.

Just in case you’ve been living in a hole this year, I was just in the hottest reality TV show ever, where I went on all these dates with ten different boys and then got to choose which one I wanted to marry at the end of it. They competed against each other for me by singing and doing various jobs, like producing a record and managing a band, to prove that they would be able to provide for me as a husband. The show was called Who’ll Marry Meegan, and it got some of the best ratings NBC has ever had for any reality TV show. It was second best only to Fish Out Of Water, which I think is a really stupid show.

As soon as I saw Ferras singing though, I knew that I would choose him. He sang “Love Me, Love Me Truly” by Cole Star. Most of the boys did a really good job, but Ferras was totally the best. Half way through, in that part when the song goes:
When you look at me
Baby I can see myself in your eyes
When you call to me
I can hear the sound of surprise
The feeling’s so strong
I know it’s not wrong
Baby you’re mine forever
Ferras looked at me, and gave me this half smile. It was so sexy. I knew, right then and there, that Ferras was going to be mine. It was love at first sight for both of us. When he looked into my eyes as he sang that song, our love was as deep as the ocean. It could never be broken. I hadn’t even talked to him yet, but I could feel our love welling up in my throat, like a beautiful song, just welling up inside of me, ready to burst out of my mouth. My heart was beating so hard that I could feel it in my finger tips and my face must have been so red!

As you already know I had this really bad case of strep throat, that caused me to have to lip synch to a pre recorded track on that stupid Ted Spritz Show last month. It was really horrible, because as soon as I went out on stage the song started skipping and people started booing and I just turned around and ran off stage.

Most people are really nice and understanding, but there are also a lot of serious jerks. The next day the magazines all had headlines like “Meegan Vanilli?” Dealing with that has been so hard to cope with, you don’t even know. People have gone so far as to make websites all about how they think I don’t have any talent, when they are the ones who don’t have talent. You know how people say that you need to “walk a mile in someone’s shoes unless you be judged?” Well they wouldn’t even fit in my shoes.

But the main thing is that this should have brought me and Ferras closer together. He should have been understanding about all this and comforted me, but instead he said that as an artist he would never lip synch, and he also said he doesn’t even believe that I ever had strep throat. I seriously can’t even believe what a jerk he’s being.

So, the Ted Spritz Show was like three weeks ago and I’ve pretty much spent that time in bed. I was so depressed that even after I felt better, I just stayed in bed. Ferras only visited me like twice and only after I called him and told him to get his ass over because his girl is sick.

And, when I finally got out of bed and got a chance to read Teen Beat I couldn’t believe my eyes. There, right on the cover, was a picture of Ferras and Naomi together with this headline that said like, “Meegan is Streped of Her Man,” or something. Naomi is a total no-talent skank, who doesn’t even deserve to be on the cover of any magazine, let alone on Teen Beat with Ferras.

So then here’s the other thing, and this just happened like fifteen minutes ago when I called Ferras to tell him that I totally know everything that’s going on with him and Naomi and he’s not fooling anyone because it’s right there in pictures. Right after I told him that, he goes into this thing about how he was under contract to date me. He actually said that. Under contract! He said Daddy made him sign a contract to date me and sing on my next album and that his ‘obligations’ to me would end as soon as my next record was released, but he said didn’t care because I’m just sitting in bed all the time and not working on any songs or anything and he’s going to break the contract. I hung up the phone on him and I’ve been crying ever since. I don’t know why he would lie to me about this, he is seriously such a total jerk.

But you know what? I don’t even care. I’m going to sit down and start writing my next album right now. I am going to pick up my guitar and write a record that will touch the hearts of millions of people just like me, because I have been given the power to touch people with my art. I am going to sit down right now and write songs that will make Ferras realize that he left me for a no-talent bitch. I will write songs that will make Naomi so sorry for what she did to me that she will go into her room and lock the door and stay in there forever. I have the natural talent and the drive to change the world with my music, and I am going to use it, and I am going to make sure that all the love and the praise of this entire world rains down directly on me.


Blogger la_sale_bete said...

you should get a job as a "strepper" in a nightclub.

2:31 PM  

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