Monday, February 27, 2006

What women really want: 101 easy-to-understand tips on seducing the opposite sex

Many people have asked me over the course of my life “Ethan, my man, how is it that you always have these beautiful woman all over you? I mean, I’m an intelligent, reasonably attractive man, why don’t I always have supermodels begging to go home with me?" And I have to admit, at first I didn’t want to answer them. There are a limited number of perfect tens out there and I don’t want other guys horning in on my action. But I’ve recently had a change of heart. I understand that while attracting beautiful women is important, money is more so. Now, don’t get me wrong, I have plenty of money, but one thing I’m going to teach you in my easy-to-understand series, is that you can never have enough money (and this is especially true while seducing women).

Now a lot of you might think that $49.99 is a lot for a book. Right? Wrong! First of all, I wouldn’t make anyone pay money for a book. What are you in college? No, I have recorded my entire lesson plan onto seven single, easy-to-understand cassette tapes or three CDs. Second, I’m going to teach you how to attract any woman you want whenever you want. I’m going to teach you how you can go out at three o’clock in the morning wearing sweat pants and flip flops and go to an up-scale restaurant and still walk out with a perfect ten. That’s information that I’m sure you’re willing to pay a mere $49.99 for right? Yes, it is.

Did you know that you can have unprotected sex with as many women as you want without ever worrying about STDs or an unwanted pregnancy using a banana peel and a warm glass of water? Well I will teach you how in my inexpensive, easy-to-understand series. This is an offer that you don’t want to miss!

Here are some of the things you will learn in my series:

* You know that pheromones are important for attracting women. Well I’ll give you a pheromone recipe (that works) that you can make by simply mixing crushed ladybugs and grass clippings and applying them to the “hot zones” on your body.
* Body language is the most important thing you can say. I’ll teach you how to seduce a women from across the room using only three of your fingers and a gesture you’ll never forget.
* You think that showering using regular, old-fashioned water is going to help you? No, it won't.
* Remember when you were in second grade and the girls had “cooties?” You'll learn how to use that to your advantage.
* You think a name like “Allan,” or “Sam” is going to get you laid? Absolutely not. I’ll teach you how to pick a new name for yourself that will get you laid by a new woman every night of the week. You think I was born Ethan? No way.

This is an exclusive one time offer, a chance of a lifetime that you will never have again. If you don’t buy my series immediately you will never know what it’s like to have sex with 450 women at the same time. So buy now!


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