For Kimberley

Post Operation Check-up Report
Report issued To: Paul Flynn
ID: CGD679983
Date: 23/10/06
Patients: Nathaniel & Kimberley Sweetie
Dear Mr. Paul Flynn,
*Please write report in space issued below.
Last time Kim and I came in here I was a little confused. Kim and I had a few ideas about what I wanted, but none if it even seemed possible. Surgery is scary, what can I say? So many people are so unfortunate to need surgery that it seemed wrong to ask for it. Like, almost sacrilegious or something. Plastic surgery has always seemed a little tacky too. But then, during the check-up, just when I was seriously thinking about calling the whole thing off, Dr. Flynn turned around, lowered his stethoscope, looked me right in the eyes and told me something that totally helped me make up my mind.
He told me that this kind of surgery was the “ultimate sacrifice,” and it was a measure of a “perfect and inordinate love.” He really used those words too. Then Dr. Flynn said that this type of surgery had never been performed before, and while it would cost a lot of money, it would also “set new precedent in the medical community.” Of course I told him that I didn’t want a bunch of scientists taking pictures and doing studies and whatever else, and he told me we didn’t need to worry about that. “Of course,” he said with a great big grin, “you might be in one or two celebrity magazines.” Well, I just burst right out smiling. I never thought I’d actually be a celebrity, and neither did Kim. How could we refuse?
Kim was sure she wanted this, and since it was her idea and everything I figured she should have the final say. And if you think about it, this surgery really is more intrusive and inconvenient for her.
After All, I did have my head surgically attached to her neck.
I know it seems like a big deal. And of course at first I wasn’t convinced it was a good idea, but the way Kim kept explaining it to me, after a while it really started making sense. She said that she thought that in life you only get one chance to love someone, and to really make that love count. If you love someone, and you mess up, you may never get another chance, so you have to make it count the first time.
She reminded me when I spend time with my friends, I’m not spending time with her. When I’m having fun without her it’s kind of like cheating on her in a way. And since she doesn’t like any of my friends, and they don’t like her, and she has enough friends for both of us, this was a great way for us to spend real time together without ever making each other uncomfortable.
I can be pretty selfish about things too. Especially about how I spend my time. I’ve been spending far too much of it with my friends. It’s understandable why she doesn’t like them. They’re rude to her whenever she comes over, and all they ever do is smoke pot. Kim wanted to be friends with them, she really did, but it was hard for her to talk to them. She can be shy. So she would just end up standing there next to the door, with her arms crossed, forced to watch us have fun. So if you think about it, it all makes sense.
Plus, I got to do a good thing by donating my healthy body to the sick. People need organs. Kim said it best when she asked me “what’s the point of having two hearts when we share only one?” How could I say “no“?
Then she told me that it wouldn’t be hard getting over not ever having sex again. That was the day before we went in for surgery.
Granted, she’s a lot better at explaining all this than I am. It probably sounds pretty weird when I say it, but trust me, it makes a lot of sense. I mean, you would probably do the same thing.
The surgery went really smooth, what else can I say about it? Sure, I was nervous when I was laying there on the wax paper mattress. My little heart was beating like a hummingbird. But who wouldn’t have been nervous? I mean, this was kind of a big deal.
It’s odd though, Kimberley was so calm about the surgery. She never said a word.
After it was over, it was a little hard to get used to. My neck was pretty sore, but the doctors said that was normal, after all I had just had my “entire body cut off.” They said that quite a bit after the surgery, it was an inside joke around the whole hospital. Recovery took about a week, until I was strong enough to move my head around and look at things.
My neck is getting really muscular from all the movement, that’s one good thing about all this.
Surgery was hard for Kim too. Her head needed to move over to the left a little so that mine would fit. Now our heads make a perfect V at the top of her perfect (10) body.
Kim’s sleeping now. When I crane my head around I can look up into her beautiful face. Her creamy skin and big blue eyes. She’s the reason the decision was so easy to make. It hardly took me any time to make it at all.
But now, I don’t know, I’m not saying I think it’s a bad idea, because it’s not. But sometimes, when we’re laying there in bed I kind of miss my own body. I know I get to use her left arm, but it always seems like it’s someone else’s, like it’s just on loan. Kim says this will all change in time. But sometimes I feel like I’ll never stop missing the things I’ve lost.
Of course the doctors are all very pleased with what Dr. Flynn did. He’s a really great person, just a really good guy. He deserves all the credit he gets for this. Kim and I are both waiting for calls from the celebrity magazines the doctor told us about, but we haven’t heard from them yet. Ripley’s Believe it or Not called this morning, but Kim says “no way.”
The doctors all told me that this was possible, but thinking back, none of them ever asked me if I actually wanted it. Maybe if they’d asked me...maybe if they’d said “Nate, do you really want to have your entire body removed? Are you actually sure this is what you want?” things would have been different now. Maybe. But I don’t know. I don’t know, it’s all up to Kimberley really. She’s waking up now. I can feel her eyelashes flickering on the back of my neck. She moaning now, the kind of sighs she makes whenever she wakes up. She’ll be thirsty now. I’m going to get Kimberley a glass of water.
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